Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Am Not A Number On A Scale

Tomorrow's the 1st, which means
my order will go in tomorrow.
Then it is just a waiting game for
my Medifast Food to arrive.
Once it does I will once again
be on track and LOSING weight!!

I am very excited about starting again!

I remember the first time I started my 
diet, back on January 3rd.  I was nearly
300 pounds!! That is so hard to believe now.....
Hell, it was hard to believe back THEN as well.
SO MUCH has changed since January. 
Well... that's not really accurate.
I should say, I have changed so much since January.

Tonight I was looking back through some old posts
and read one where I was having a small panic attack
about Coaching my daughter's PeeWee Cheer Squad. 
I can remember that TERROR I felt, 
and the feeling of unworthiness.  I thought I was
still too fat to be Coaching Cheerleading.... 
It was SO FAR out of my COMFORT ZONE...
I am proud to announce that the Cheer Season was 
a SUCCESS!!! We placed 2nd at Competition!!! 
I am so proud of all the girls, they really worked hard.
But I have to admit....(only here where I am free to do so)...
I'm proud of myself too :)

There is NO WAY that girl I was back in January
could have taken on that leadership role and
not only Coached a Squad of 25 girls, 
but also come up with the choreography for the dance.
I read it over and over and I even said it 100 times to myself...

"My weight does not define me"... 
"I am not a number on the scale"...
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY believe that now.
For so long, I defined MYSELF by my weight.  
I put my own restrictions on myself. I held myself back,
and I always blamed my weight. But no one....
not one person... ever told me I couldn't do something
because I was fat.... except for myself.
I said it. 
I believed it. 
But no longer.........

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