Tuesday, February 8, 2011

About Face

Last night a friend (who is also doing Medifast) sent me pictures of her face from before Medifast, and a current picture now that she has been on Medifast.   We both are the same height and have a starting weight of about the same, and started on the same day.  She has lost slightly more than I have so far, but already her face is slimming up. 

I decided to take a face shot of myself and compare it to my "before" pics I had my husband take when I first started Medifast.  And  MY face has slimmed up some too!! My husband has been telling me that it has, but until I could compare the photos I didn't believe him!  I still have a long way to go..... but WOW!  I was SO thrilled to see a difference already! I knew I had lost several inches overall, but we didn't measure my face.  ;-)


  1. I want to see the before and after side by side!! You're so pretty by the way. :-)

  2. Aaaaww..... Thank you! I'll send you the pics to your email address :-)
