Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 8 Weigh In-

Wow! I can't believe I have been dieting for 2 months now! 

I can't believe I have not cheated in those two months!! 

Since this was week 8, I not only weighed in today, 
but also did measurements. 

I am VERY happy to say that not only did I LOSE 3lbs this week (Yay!), 
I have also lost another 14.25 inches!! 
That makes 34.75 inches total lost since Jan. 3rd.

I very rarely feel as if I am on a diet anymore.  
I no longer think about when I will be able to "just eat normal..." 
because "just normal"... is what got me here. 

This is normal now.

Maybe not the Medifast pre-packaged meals.......

but eating small meals throughout the day.
Really watching my portion sizes, carbs, and sugar, and eating lots of protein......
That is my new normal.  

And....... I'm fine with that! 

I really have reached a turning point in my life when it comes to food....
I can feel that now.  

I'm also more active than I ever was before. 

When I don't feel like doing something, like....
yard work, exercising, or parking far away and walking...

  I tell myself 

"That is the old me talking".  

The NEW me takes initiative, and gets moving.  

So... that's exactly what I do.  

I push through it.

I get active.

I Move.