Monday, January 17, 2011

TOM Comes For A Visit - And I Keep My Sanity

I woke Saturday morning to discover TOM came for a visit (Time Of Month), and I feared for my sanity, and the sanity of my family.  You see........ PMS, CRAVINGS FOR SWEETS, and DIETS just don't mix.  I worried I might succumb to my cravings, or worse, take out my frustrations on my family.  I warned my husband a head of time that he may be in for a rough day.  I even thought about making a sign to wear that said "WARNING: DIETING WOMAN ON HER PERIOD. APPROACH WITH EXTREME CAUTION".  ;)    The warnings to my husband proved to be unwarranted. The "Sweets Cravings" never kicked in, which is a miracle, given my past history.  Even my feet didn't swell like they typically do.  Usually a week before and all during TOM, my feet and ankles swell up pretty bad. They Didn't!!  And the best part?
I survived the weekend remaining On Plan, and with my Sanity intact!!!

I weigh in tonight, and I'm worried that because of TOM, I may not have a weight loss this week.  I have read on the Medifast Forums, that a lot of women do not lose during their TOM, and if they do lose, it is minimal.  I'm trying to prepare myself so I will not be too disappointed at my Weigh In tonight. 

Wish Me Luck!!

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