Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week 4 -

Well..... yesterday I started Week 4 of my diet.  In 7 days I will have officially beat my record of lasting on a diet without cheating. 

I'm kinda proud of myself. 

I don't want to glamorize this program, and say it has been SOOOO easy...... but.........kind of........ It has.  I don't know if it's the program so much, as my Mind Set this time.  I am DETERMINED to take control of my life, health, and happiness.

I really like this program, because if you are addicted to food (which I obviously was) it helps break those addictions.  It really shows me what a portion size should be like.  It is teaching me not to skip meals.... to eat small meals throughout the day.  It is also forcing me to choose healthy dinners, and teaching me to like them.  I'm becoming accustomed to eating my "Lean and Green" meals, and look forward to them each day.  I can remember when dieting before, always "planning" to eat healthy meals, but after a few days, when it came time to cook something, the thought of baked chicken and green veggies DID NOT appeal to me.  So instead...... I would fix something really tasty, and of course fattening.  Now I even eat foods that I normally would have never even tried... like.... Garden Burgers and Egg Beaters! And I LIKE THEM!

This program is something that I would definitely recommend, but it is SO EXPENSIVE! If it were not for my Mother, there is absolutely NO WAY I could be on this.  I'm kind of afraid sometimes, that something might come up, and she will no longer be able to work there, thus..... no more discount.  And I know that eventually, I'll have to go off the program once I reach goal (and I WILL REACH GOAL).  But I know that it is possible to do this without Medifast.  Medifast just makes easier.  

But.... if something should happen, and I have to quit this program, I just need to remember what I have learned.  Eat 6 meals throughout the day,  5 small meals, and one larger HEALTHY meal. Pay close attention to my portion sizes, watch my condiments, and REALLY watch my carb intake. Eat lots of protein, keep an eye on calories consumed, and avoid all sugar.  Sounds complicated.....  (which is why I like this program so much.  The "premade" meals (bars, shakes, puddings, brownies, etc. make it simple). 

For the first time in 12 years or so, I feel HOPE.  I can see my way out of this hole I have dug myself and crawled into.  For the first time in 12 years........  


  1. The cost is one of the reasons I can't do this program. If it weren't for that, I'd be doing shakes an lean and green right along with you! I am just so inspired by your determination - you're the reason I'm back on this new lifestyle! You are so amazing!!

  2. Half the battle, I think, is finding a system that works for you.
